WIN TO MOVE I This is the first set of many, these games/puzzles are in no particular order. In the following position, white have just played 1. d4? ![]() Oratorio - MoltenThinker (black to move) The game ended in a few moves: 1... e5! 2. dxe5 Bxa3 3. Bxa3 Nf6 4. exf6 d6 5. Bxd6 mate. ![]() MoltenThinker - GodOnlyKnows (white to move) Here, the play was 1. Nxa7 Rxa7 2. Rb1 Rxa2 3. Ba3 Rxd2 4. Rd1! Rxd1 5. Ke3 Rxf1 6. Nh3 and black lost a few moves later. Against hooverman4, I played a nice variation on the bishop trap: ![]() hooverman4 - MoltenThinker (white to move) 1. Bxg2 b5 2. Bxa8 Nc6 3. Bxc6 e6! 4. Bxb5 Bd7 5. Bxd7 Kg8! Bxe6 mate. In the following game, KingKong2 was fooling around and suffered dearly: ![]() MoltenThinker - KingKong2 (white to move) The game followed: 1. a4 Bxh1 2. e4 Bxe4 3. Ra2 Bxb1 4. b3 Bxa2 5. d4 Bxb3 6. Bd3! Bxa4 7. Bxh7 Rxh7. Now this is where its not so obvious: 8. f4! Rxh2 9. Nh3 Rxh3 10. f5! Rxg3 11. Bg5. Considering this was a 1 0 game, this win was relatively "hard to find". ![]() MoltenThinker - Eisan (white to move) A very standard mate trap: 1. h6! gxh6 2. Ba6 Bxa6 3. Rg1 Rxg1 mate. |