QUEENSIDE QUEEN TRAPS Home | Traps | Openings | Endgames | Puzzles | Library | About me While the majority of the the queen traps, happen on the kingside, some make their way onto the queenside. In these cases, the black king is usually on e8, f8 or g8 and white's queen takes advantage of the open a3-f8 (Qa3), b3-g8 (Qb3 or Qa2) and a4-e8 (Qb5) diagonals. In the following game against Apocalypse2004, white have forgotten that they are not invulnerable on their queenside. White played 1. Be7? Qa5! 2. c3 Qa6 3. c4 dxc4 (compare this with the kingside Qh5-h3). The game continued: 4. Qd3 Nxd4 5. o-o-o! Suddenly, white are on the offensive, of course, there is that open c-file... 5... Rc8+ 6. Bc5 Qc4! (or 6... Qa3+). ![]() Apocalypse2004 - MoltenThinker, white to move In the following game against Tipau, white realized their advantage with the decisive 1. Qd3! In order to stop the kingside threat, black played 1... f5, but after 2. Qa3!, the diagonal was left wide open. ![]() MoltenThinker - Tipau, white to move A similar tactic occured in the game against StrippedPulsar(C). Followed: 1... Qb8! 2. Rh3 Qb5! Of course the computer didn't resign here, but in any case, lost three moves later. ![]() StrippedPulsar(C) - MoltenThinker, black to move |